Early warning signs of Auditory Processing Difficulties!

As a new clinician I've had the joy of diving deeper into those parts of my profession that really impact the types of clients we serve here at Sound. 

I was most excited to learn more about what we call CAPD (Central Auditory Processing Disorder). It's a diagnosis we are asked about more and more as schools become increasingly aware of the impact any auditory processing difficulties can have on kids in the classroom. 

Here at Sound Speech and Hearing we are known for our diagnosis and treatment of CAPD. Sound is the single private practice in Northern California that combines the audiometry services needed to diagnose CAPD, and the speech services to treat it. Needless to say, it's an important topic to learn about as many of the kiddos that come into the clinic have these needs. 

So what is auditory processing? It's a breakdown in our central nervous system's ability to process auditory input, especially in unfavorable listening conditions like a classroom. 

As I was learning about the red flags and early warning signs of auditory processing difficulties I knew it was information that needed to be shared with parents. Early diagnosis and treatment of auditory processing difficulties can help teachers and caregivers make accommodations that ensure each child is accessing all auditory information so they can perform to their best abilities. 

All children and adults with these difficulties can pass a typical hearing test, and so it can go unnoticed. When it comes to auditory processing, you can't see the processing, you see behaviors...

  • Frequently says "huh" or "what"
  • Misunderstands or misinterprets what is being said
  • Needs information repeated or rephrased
  • Has difficulty following age appropriate verbal directions, conversations, or discussions
  • Has difficulty listening with background noise or is easily distracted by noise
  • Has difficulty "getting started" with open-ended questions
  • May use vague language
  • Difficulty with sequencing stories
  • Memory difficulties
  • Attentional issues
  • Difficulty with organization

Now that you know the red flags of auditory processing difficulties, you can be on the look out for these signs and behaviors too. Reach out to us here at Sound if you have any questions or want to schedule an evaluation of auditory processing skills.