Get to know Jody

Jody is an owner and director of the speech-language pathology program at Sound! Her energy and enthusiasm know no limits, and she inspires us all to work harder and better - but always with a splash of fun. Learn more from Sound's affectionately-nicknamed BOSS!

Describe your role at Sound

At Sound I have the joy of working with a diverse patient population, from little toddlers learning to use communication for the first time to adults seeking clearer communication. I work alongside some pretty amazing colleagues who challenge me to be a better clinician everyday by asking questions and helping elevate patient care. When not playing games or telling stories in my treatment room I can be found crunching numbers, getting creative with marketing plans, and driving my business partner crazy with another idea for Sound's further growth.

Describe yourself in 3 words.

Outgoing, Organized, Dependable.

What’s your favorite part of the job?

I absolutely love working with our team, and with our patients. I am constantly amazed by the creativity, compassion, and educational curiosity the Sound team possesses, making work feel more like a home than a stuffy office. The team makes the most mundane tasks into pursuits of fun. With the patients - it is beyond rewarding to see children and adults grow and learn new skills week after week. Seeing their progress move out to the "real world," and beyond our four walls is the most rewarding part of my job!

What led you to starting Sound?

Melissa already shared our "love story" creating Sound, but I have to say that it really was to bring the two fields together and to allow families a warm, welcoming atmosphere for assessing and treating their communication needs. 

What’s something about you that not many people know?

I am a true multi-tasker...I've even watched two episodes of "Dancing with the Stars" at the same time while responding to emails. Anything to save a little time. 

What is one of the things you would put on your “bucket” list?

Working my way to seeing all 7 wonders of the world.

Where are we most likely to find you when not at work?

Anything that gets me moving! From workouts like Bar Method, Soul Cycle, jogging, or going on a walk to weekend road trip getaways, or week long travel adventures. I can't sit still! You can find me every Sunday mapping out the next week's adventures.

Before working at Sound what was the most unusual or crazy job you had?

I spent my summers for five years as a camp counselor in the Pacific Northwest. My life was pretty much this for those summers. 

Anything else fun to share?

I would rather eat grapes (aka "natures candy") than almost any other sweet treat!